Browsers' Bookstore

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Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Wrong author.

Browsers' employees always get a kick out of books written by authors whose name is exactly the same as a more famous author.  We thought it would be fun to jot down a few of these that we come across (this list will be updated over time.)

  • Italic Calligraphy.  Abraham Lincoln.
  • Selected Organic Syntheses: A Guidebook for Organic Chemists.  Ian Fleming.
  • A History of Modern Russia. Robert Service.
  • A Plated Article. Charles Dickens (book about Spode-Copeland China Works)
  • Population Biology of the Indo-Pacific Hump-Backed Dolphin in Hong Kong Waters.  Thomas Jefferson.
  • The Curse of the San Andres. Henry James
  • The Sheepskin Psychosis. John Keats.
  • The Copperheads. William Blake. (historical novel, also the author of The World Is Mine and The Painter and the Lady.)
  • Hill Girl.  Charles Williams.  No, the "Inklings" member did not write this book: "It was obvious she had nothing on beneath the old cotton dress and that she didn't care a damn."